Are you looking to take out a loan for your next vehicle? Avoid spending time traveling to credit unions, and apply for a loan with us! Rest assured knowing that we can finance anyone regardless of your credit history!
We carry a huge selection of the best and cleanest below mid price SUV’s, crossovers, cars, trucks, and vans in the area. Our vehicles have been through a rigorous 50 point quality check, and include a free powertrain warranty.
Cal Williams has been in business for over 36 years and has thousands of happy customers. We pride ourselves on our reputation, so you will always receive courteous service and personal attention.
From the moment you arrive to when you get the new keys to your vehicle, our staff is there to ensure you have an enjoyable experience. With decades of experience between them, you can get your questions answered!
We at Cal Williams Motor Company strive to make your car buying experience as quick and easy as possible. With in-house financing and no credit checks we cater to your needs and build a plan that is specific to you. We will walk you through the whole buying process so you are not left wondering or confused. We supply you with all the information you need. All you have to do is take the first step and come visit us!